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 What Is Alchemy?




Topics in this Article: Alchemergy? | What Is Alchemy? | Operations of Alchemy | About D.W. Hauck





Alchemergy ("al-chem-er-gee") is a transformational discipline for those looking to create real change in themselves and the world around them. It focuses on the merging of ancient and modern traditions and the emerging of new paradigms for our times.


The principles of alchemergy have been part of depth psychology for over nearly a century, and many modern thinkers have applied alchemical ideas to consciousness studies, quantum physics, healing and addiction therapy, literature and filmmaking, and many more unexpected areas.


In practice, Alchemergy is the cross-union of opposites on all levels – science and religion, Eastern and Western philosophies, feminine and masculine, feeling and thinking, Soul and Spirit. The Child of the Philosophers that results from this union is the Philosopher's Stone – which the alchemists saw as a higher state of consciousness.


But achieving lasting transformation on any level is no easy task. Wishful thinking, egocentric beliefs, generational dogma, and simplistic discipline always fail. The challenge of change can only be surmounted by a deeper understanding of the universal principles involved – the archetypal patterns hidden all around us. Since ancient Egypt, philosophers have been seeking those principles and working to understand how they can be applied. They created a powerful Art of Transformation, a spiritual technology known as alchemy.



What Is Alchemy?


The birth of alchemy in Egypt dates back at least as far 1500 BCE. Some say its origins go back even further to 10,000 BCE, a time known in the ancient texts as Zep Tepi, when enlightened beings roamed the earth and shared their knowledge with mankind. These principles were considered so powerful that they were expressed only in secret writings, concealed in arcane drawing and symbols, or hidden in plain sight in the architecture of sacred buildings. That ancient tradition was carried on during the heyday of alchemy in the Middle Ages in secret ciphers, symbolic drawings, and in the sacred architecture of cathedrals.


The ultimate goal of the alchemist is to find the Prima Materia (First Matter), the common heart of all materials, the dark, chaotic, unformed stuff of creation that is "hidden in plain sight" throughout the universe. Through alchemical processes, the alchemist transforms the is Prima Materia into the Philosophers Stone, which has the ability to instantly perfect anything. 

The Great Work of alchemy has always been to speed up this natural process of perfection – to resurrect the spiritual ideal and activate the hidden energies that can be used to bring that ideal to manifestation. The gold of alchemy, according to this deeper tradition, is simply hastened perfection in the substance at hand, whether that be a lifeless lump of lead or the human soul. Every human being participates in alchemy, whether in a conscious manner through intentional transformation or through the unconscious alchemical processes at work in our lives – the suffering of worldly experiences that finally lead to increased spiritual awareness. 


That is not to say that alchemy does not deal with material things, for the alchemists saw spirit and matter as two opposite poles of an eternal One. Alchemists worked with substances in a unique way unlike modern chemists, who mechanically recombine atoms and molecules into new compounds. Alchemy, on the other hand, causes that which already pre-exists in a latent state to become active and grow.


So, alchemy is both science and art – and as every artist knows, true art can only be practiced by those who are in possession of the inspired presence and purified imagination necessary for creative transformation. While the manipulations required for alchemical operations may, like the techniques of chemistry, be taught to anybody capable of reasoning, the results that such a person could accomplish would be without life – an alchemical still-birth. For only the person in whom the true life has awakened can in turn awaken and cause visible forms to grow and the metals of the human temperament to be transformed.



The Operations of Alchemy


To get a better idea of how all this works, let’s take a look at the basic operations of alchemy and how they apply to our physical, psychological, and spiritual transformation:


1. CALCINATION is the heating of a substance in a crucible or over an open flame until it is reduced to ashes. Psychologically, this is the destruction of ego and our attachments to material possessions. It is were we are grounded and secure. Letting go here creates a vacuum that can be filled with a higher state of accomplishment. Calcination is usually a natural humbling process as we are gradually assaulted and overcome by the trials and tribulations of life, though it can be a deliberate surrender of our inherent hubris gained through a variety of spiritual disciplines that ignite the fire of introspection and self-evaluation. Calcination is the sometimes painful and always revolutionary first step of transformation. It gives us freedom to change, and creates a free-flowing feeling that is the beginning of Dissolution. Meditation: I am sustained and provided for by the Self and not my ego. Planet: Saturn | Metal: Lead | Chakra: Muladharah (Root)


2. DISSOLUTION is dissolving the ashes from Calcination in water. This is a further breaking down of the artificial structures of the psyche by total immersion in the unconscious, irrational, feminine or rejected part of our minds. It is, for the most part, an unconscious process in which our conscious minds surrender control to allow the surfacing of buried material. It is opening the floodgates and generating new energy from the waters held back. During personal Dissolution, the feeling is of things surfacing that were previously ignored or rejected. There is also a feeling of connection to deeper energies and the recognition of real things within. This is the site of our connection to the life force, to vitality and reproduction, and appreciation of male and female aspects of being. Meditation: I will harness my sexuality to create health, positive thoughts, and deeper impressions.  Planet: Jupiter | Metal: Tin | Chakra: Svadgisthana (Genitals)


3. SEPARATION is the isolation of the components of Dissolution by filtration and then discarding any ungenuine or unworthy material. This is the rediscovery of our essence and the reclaiming of dream and visionary “gold” previously rejected by our social or rational mind. It is, for the most part, a conscious process in which we review formerly hidden material and decide what to discard and what to reintegrate into our refined personality. Much of this shadowy material are things we are ashamed of or were taught to hide away by our parents, churches, or schooling. Separation is letting go of self-inflicted restraints to our true nature, so we can shine through. In Separation, the feeling is one of knowing what is true and real and wanting to fight for it. We want to eliminate anything that is not part of the essential material. Separation is the development of personal will and independence. Here we confront issues of power and start to “digest” life face-to-face with hiding. We reclaim power with confidence and learn to work with the life force. Breathing on the horizontal plane of Air. Meditation: I will understand my potential to change myself to help others.  Planet: Mars | Metal: Iron | Chakra: Manipura (Belly)


4. CONJUNCTION is the recombination of the saved elements from Separation into a new substance. It is empowerment of our true selves, the union of both the masculine and feminine sides of our personalities into a new belief system or an intuitive state of consciousness. The alchemists referred to it as the Lesser Stone, and after it is achieved, the adept is able to clearly discern what needs to be done to achieve lasting enlightenment. The goal is union with the Overself. Often, synchronicities begin to occur that confirm the alchemist is on the right track. During Conjunction, the feeling is one of coming together and satisfaction from the union of formerly opposing and divisive forces within. It is here where we integrate and balance human conditional love with universal unconditional love. Meditation: I love and care for others and not just myself.  Planet: Venus | Metal: Copper | Chakra: Anahata (Heart)


5. FERMENTATION is the introduction of new life into the product of Conjunction to strengthen it and insure its survival. This stage begins with the Putrefaction of the “child” from the Conjunction resulting in its death and resurrection to a new level of being. Out of the blackness of Putrefaction comes the yellow Ferment, which appears like a golden wax flowing out of the foul matter in the experiment. Its arrival is announced by a brilliant display of colors and meaningful visions called the “Peacock’s Tail.” Fermentation is achieved through various activities that include intense prayer, desire for mystical union, breakdown of the personality, transpersonal therapy, deep meditation, and shamanistic drugs. During Fermentation, the feeling is of becoming an empty vessel for something totally beyond us. We realize that all things spoken with truth resonate with the True Self. Harmony between love and vibration occurs here. Meditation: I can open myself for union with divine powers. Planet: Mercury | Metal: Quicksilver | Chakra: Vishuda (Throat)


6. DISTILLATION is the boiling and condensation of the Fermented solution to increase its purity. Vissudh agitation and sublimation of psychic forces is necessary to ensure that no impurities from the inflated ego or deeply submerged id are incorporated into the next and final stage. It consists of a variety of objectifying techniques that raise the content of the psyche to the highest level possible, free from sentimentality and emotions, cut off even from one’s personal identity. Distillation is the purification of the unborn Self -- all that we truly are and can be. During Distillation, the feeling is one of actually working with universal forces you know to be real. It is selfless action in service to a higher source through the development of an unconditional will. Integrate “knowing” frequencies and energies. Pituitary balance with universal ideals. Breathing (primordial) on the vertical plane of Light. Meditation: Spirit and matter have the same Source. Planet: Moon | Metal: Lead | Chakra: Ajna (Forehead)


7. COAGULATION is the precipitation of the purified Ferment from Distillation. It is first sensed as a new confidence that is beyond all things, though many experience it as a Second Body of golden light, a permanent vehicle of consciousness that embodies the highest aspirations and evolution of mind. Coagulation incarnates and releases the Ultima Materia of the soul, which the alchemists also referred to it as the Greater or Philosopher’s Stone. Using this magical Stone, the alchemists believed they could create an Elixir that would cure all diseases and heal all wounds on all levels. In Coagulation, the feeling is one of completion and actualization of one’s true Self. Clear out blockages on all levels, so energy may flow within the body and within god in resonance. Pineal Sun appears. Meditation: I am the Self who exists in perfect Presence.-- I Am That I Am.  Planet: Sun | Metal: Gold | Chakra: Kether (Crown)



About Dennis William Hauck


Dennis William Hauck is a researcher, author, and lecturer in consciousness studies. His primary focus is on levels of awareness and the mechanisms of transformation of consciousness. He works to document the evolution of a science of consciousness and merge various philosophical and scientific traditions into a unified theory of consciousness. He has also contributed to related areas, including psychology, the history of science, and the serious study of paranormal and mystical experiences. He is considered a leading authority on alchemy and Hermeticism.


According to Dr. Bernard Lightman in his Companion to the History of Science: "Dennis William Hauck is a prolific author and has been at the center of efforts to institutionalize modern alchemy through a number of organizations, conferences, and journals. For Hauck, classical science has its limits, in that it can explain only our physical reality, not the deeper hidden reality from which the physical stems. He decided that alchemy offered one path to that hidden reality, and so, knowing that this path of discredited ‘pseudoscience’ might forever taint his career, Hauck decided it was worth the risk to discover solid evidence and challenge the dominant Newtonian paradigm.”


Hauck is curator of the Rosicrucian Alchemy Museum, president of the International Alchemy Guild, and founder of the Alchemy Study Program. More info on his career, books, articles, and lectures can be found at his website